Might have bought a freighter too early...

Hey everyone! I just started NMS like 2 days ago and have been loving the game so far!

Even though I mostly just messed around with the gathering/trading/basing systems so far, the gameplay, the immersion, and the visuals just got me hooked!

I'm very early in the main quests, but as you can imagine from the title, I came across a freighter in like my first 5 hours of play, and then 2 hours later actually bought the thing.

I stumbled upon the fact very early on that the salvaged data u can collect from the sites marked with wifi sign sell for over 50k units a piece, and just went and farmed up 3.5 stacks to buy the freighter.

I am fully aware that this was probably a terrible approach, and the ship i bought is also probably ass, and that I would just get one later for free... But hey, the thing is waaay to awesome for me to mind all this, and even the process itself was somehow actually a lot of fun!

What do you guys think? Did I mess up? Is this just silly? Do I touch grass? No. Not nearly enough, unfortunately. Any constructive tips are welcome!