Thought it would be easier to do things with baby

Baby is now 15 months, and I think I've just come to the point of realization that we won't be able to do anything fun together until he's like 4. I just feel very discouraged.

I've always been an outdoorsy person - I enjoy hiking, walking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing. I've spent money on so many gadgets to be able to bring baby with me on these activities... And nope. He has like a 15 mins tolerance and he's over whatever we're doing. It's not even worth bringing him for 15 minutes.

We have the Chariot stroller (with the cycling attachment, ski attachment, jogging attachment) and after 15 minutes he gets antsy and cries and wants to go home. We also have the Deuter child carrier and again after 15 minutes, he's had enough. Want to go somewhere fun? Well it better be within a 20 min drive because he hates the car too.

I'm just at a loss. It feels like such a curse for an active person to get saddled with such a difficult baby. My friends all seem to have super chill babies that can bring anywhere to do anything. Not my son. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I just feel like I can't do anything fun with him. I would love to share these activities with him - I mean that's why all of the gadgets were invented. But alas, it seems I hope in vain.

Thanks for reading my rant.