No you can’t hold my child

I just got to the library with my NKs, G2.5 and G9mo. As soon as we walked up to the group of kids one of the moms/nannie’s (not sure which) immediately started talking to G9mo, who is in my arms, saying “come here, come play” and holding out her arms like she wanted to hold her. Like ma’am sorry but i’ve never seen you before you cannot hold my NK. I know she’s cute but what did she expect, I would actually just hand over the baby to a total stranger?? Such a strange interaction 😅

UPDATE: Just watched the same woman explain to one of her boys that he can’t hit his brother with a toy train by smacking him with the train herself. 🥴

EDIT: We were not in a play group setting. We had just walked into the general children’s area of a library we don’t go to often so we don’t really know anyone. I had never seen this woman before and she was already surrounded by about 6 kids she was watching. The amount of people in my comments that are saying this is normal and they would be totally comfortable handing off their kid or NK is so alarming coming from a professional childcare sub