vaccinated babies and unvaccinated babies

hi everyone! i felt like this subreddit might have the best advice for me in this situation as NICU babies may have more complex needs, especially in the first year.

i had my twins at 33+3 weeks (now 8 weeks actual, 1.5 weeks adjusted), induced due to pre-eclampsia. twin B was in the NICU for 2 weeks and twin A for 5 weeks. both were relatively stable with twin A staying longer bc of bradycardia events. now, this post isn’t to spark any vaccination debates, i fully intend to get all vaccines for both babies. my issue lies in my cousin, she has an 8 month old daughter who she has chosen not to vaccinate. we definitely have pretty different parenting styles but regardless, her and i are very close. while i was pregnant, i did set a boundary that until my babies are older and have their vaccinations, i didn’t want them all playing together to which she totally understood. the babies will get their two month shots plus the RSV vaccine next week but im still unsure about my babies meeting their cousin and anyone getting sick. i do miss my cousin and i know she really wants to meet the twins, but id never want to endanger mine or her baby. does anyone have any experiences in this area? would you wait longer before introducing the babies?