Arkveld is very cool and i have accepted after 4 hunts that I'm not gonna beat him in 20 minutes.

I tried 2 using my main (the greatsword) that was really tough and I Carted 5 times before I reached the time limit, and then I swapped to gunlance which I consider a cheese strategy at this point but he kept running away when he got low and the skull was on him for the last 3 mins but it didn't matter the time ran out right as I was about to get there.

I got a taste of him and that's enough for me. I'm excited to fight him in the full game with my own armor and weapons and no crazy time constraints.

This has confirmed for me though that I don't find tight time limits a fun way of adding difficulty at all. I know this is a beta and they don't intend for him to be beaten here, but I felt this way about fatalis in iceborne and I feel the same about this. It just makes it a race instead of an experience.

Anyway I'll be spending the rest of my beta time in the training room 😂