How do we shower?
Hi everyone! I have an almost 7mo, and as he gets bigger, more active, more engaged in his surroundings, I’m wondering how does everyone find time to shower/get ready for the day? I’ve found that showering and washing my face, putting on real clothes etc. really helps my energy level and mood throughout the day so I definitely want to make an effort to do that whenever possible.
Since our baby was little we have always been able to put him in a little reclined bouncer chair thing and just set him right outside the shower with a few toys, and he is good for at least 10minutes, usually longer. Now that he’s getting bigger he is making an active effort to escape the chair and I don’t think it’s going to be an option much longer.
I’m a SAHM, my spouse works nights with a 1.5 hr commute so he really isn’t available to be with the baby while I do these things.
Is it just a matter of giving up sleep? Waking up before baby does, or doing this while he naps? Not ideal, but maybe the best way. Anyways would love to hear everyone’s thoughts!