Has anyone’s family’s opinions changed over the past couple months/year?

It’s so crazy how a lot of people here just stopped wearing masks and giving a fuck about covid , yet my mom and sister are still incredibly paranoid about covid. And as much as I love my mother, it just really kinda worries me that I have to see her like this, just realy paranoid about the virus , even though there is really nothing to worry about. We are legit like one of the ONLY people in our area to still be wearing masks, but tbh when I’m away from my family and with other people, I’ll take it off. Whenever i’m with family, I HAVE to everytime.

Also, let me just note that my grandma has gotten the J&J vaccine when it first came out, and two weeks after she had gotten the vax, she suffered a stroke and is now not the same as she was before, yet she was HEALTHY. And my mom’s excuse for that is: “She took J&J, but we have moderna and moderna is good.” And also she said that she would willingly get a 4th shot if she could… She constantly talks about covid almost everyday STILL.

Now she has family members from Hong Kong, and they’ve gotten covid , but you know how their mask mandates be and whatnot. But like , her family members recovered and didn’t die , she’s still never caught covid before , and yet she’s still scared. Can anyone else relate? I’ve really felt limited and set back the whole year of 2021 just cause of the fear of my family has over this shit;

even though if i lived by myself (and unfortunately am not able to since the lockdown hit), i wouldve gone out all the time and done more shit for myself. I was mentally feeling really down , but i’m so glad classes are in person again, and while things are looking up for me, i’m just worried about my family members.