1L Feeling Lost in a Bottom 50 School
Going to a very low ranked school in a major market with T6 and T14 options nearby. 5th ranked overall in my class (3.84 GPA). I have nearly a full ride so my tuition is quite low. No undergrad debt and enough savings from working between college and now to have no law school debt if I stay where I am.
I completed 75 job apps in November thru early January. Updated all pre-grades apps when I got them in early January. I've gotten first and second interviews at three places (one biglaw, one boutique, one in-house), first round interview at one place (public sector, waiting on follow-up). I've gotten four rejections so far. Law school was always the plan but now that I'm here I don't feel like I know what I'm doing, I don't know what I want and I don't know where I'll end up.
My sense is that I'm being judged or discarded as an applicant because of my school's rank, despite my okay grades and involvement in clubs. That I won't even be graced with the dignity of a rejection letter by most of these firms. 1Ls in past years have successfully transferred to a nearby T14, and nobody has made it to the T6 that's also close. The T14 has admitted one student from my school every year for the last three years.
I don't know what to do. Am I freaking out way too early? Is it irrational that I feel like I won't get any job offers? I thought I wanted to work in biglaw, to chase the prestige etc., but now I feel more uncertain than ever. I don't know what I want or how to achieve stability. Am I just spiraling?