Vlog Recap: We Are Officially SELLING OUR HOUSE!!!

You heard it here first, folks! >In Case You Missed It<

The vlog opens with Queen Chameleon being her vain self. Unaware that Colon hit record, Sac asks for reassurance about whether her hair looks aesthetically worthy. They find a new beige and boring location to film where they will drag out the mountain made out of a mole hole for thirteen minutes. Coleslaw asks his loving business partner whether they should drag the video out. He claims he "hates" videos that do that but has no problem click-baiting his videos beyond measure, pulling his young fans along by strings. Satannah responds with money on her mind saying they can't just spill the beans immediately because they have some "things to talk about first." Using Everleigh, Posie, Zealand, and Sunday's money, the emotionally unavailable parents hire a babysitter to film a video telling randos online where to find their new whereabouts. Safety is a word that is not in LaBrant vocabulary. Since being pregnant is Sav's only personality trait, she tells the vlog that it was the most guessed. She is full of bologna. Their move got leaked via r/LabrantFamSnark about a month ago. ;)

Clout baby number 5 is not in utero. Scamannah doesn't plan to get pregnant anytime soon, so she says. She says there are too many significant changes in the mix, and $unday is "such an easy baby." The next thing they address is the topic of adoption. They want to adopt but state they will once they are done with Youtube and milk their bio kids for all they have first. Lastly, a new pet. No, because they don't have time for a pet. #Justice4Carl!! Colon says their tortoise is "still thrivin', and they love it." A pet they'd consider in the future when all the kids can take care of it, so neither one of them will have to. Queue the Carl incident. Time to talk about homeschooling. They quickly mention Ev goes to school half days twice a week and is home the rest. Posie does pre-k workbooks with Sav. Z'NoPaycheck's health is exploited, but he is doing well after his procedure.

Scamannah says Ev is most excited about the move, and Cole responds, "she is?" Lol, Sav, that's probably a lie, but ok. She wishes Ev was there to say it because Ev is the jewel to The LaBrant Fam crown, and they know it. On the count of three, they blurt out the move. The California home is up for sale, and they include a house tour of it. A staging company came in and put it together, which is the only reason they are showing it, they state. The music for the home montage could be a better choice. Back in the beige room, ColonSac started spewing that God opened doors for them to leave the west coast. By doors, it sounds like they are implying Tommy's death is a blessing for them. After all, insiders have told us mods that Dumb&Dumber have wanted to move for quite a while. Gigivitis and Tommy were their biggest barriers, but now they have nothing holding them to OC, CA. Gigivitis is having a cow as we speak. St. Colon of Narcissism says Everleigh's input on leaving her friends, extended family, and familiarity was massive in this decision, and he doesn't have to prove it. "If she wanted to stay in this house, we would've," Cole states. Hmmm....

Supposedly the next couple videos posted are going to be "super big." Next, The biz pals shout out their Instagrams along with E's YT channel and Colonoscopy's. Mr. and Mrs. Pinocchio lie to viewers about Colon's channel being hilarious. Views show otherwise, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

If you wonder why this sub exists, check out what this teen stuck in a YT family has to say about how it feels to be exploited by her parents. These videos are a lot darker than perceived.