Financial Concept for AI/LLM

Hello All,

I am a longtime financial professional who specializes in a highly arcane market. Based on my limited use and understanding of AI and LLM's, I am fairly certain that something could be built that would provide a high level of value, if not replace what I do. However, nothing will likely be built, or it will be built poorly in the coming years. I am sure there is a refined term for it but essentially the venn diagram of people who know how this market works and the people who would have the skills to build said model is zero. I have been pitched "AI Solutions" and it is just horrendous. This market is learned through years and years of working in it and learning the endless nuances. There is no book or youtube or online course. In 1-3 years you start to have some idea of how this market works, in 5-10 you are somewhat competent and that is where most people top out. You make enough money that people just stop pushing to learn more and deeper. There is a very small number of people who end up in this niche and are curious/passionate enough to keep pushing to try to fully understand all the nuances.

I am more or less reaching out because I am just simply frustrated with the fact that this doesn't exist and I don't know why but I cant shake the feeling. I know what it should look like, what it needs to do. I just have no basis of where to start on the technical side.

Where or how would I start? Obviously I can begin down the road of learning programming, I think with the assistance tools now available this would significantly shorten the learning curve and timeline, but again, I have a stressful full-time job in said market. I honestly think with the right team of people you could build it in 6 to 12 months. Curious on anyones/everyones thoughts.

All the best