[WTS] Spyderco Para 3 (Maxamet user), Timascus Demko AD20.5 (user), Demko AD20I (non-user), Indiana Knives EDZ (Non-User)

A couple of users, a couple of non-users.

Spyderco Para 3 - SV 200 USD SOLD

  • Edge/Blade Condition: Knife has been used quite extensively; has been sharpened, and could probably use another sharpening (although it's still very much usable). Maxamet steel, DLC-coated by Way of Knife.
  • Centering/lockup: It looks off-center, but the sharpening job also skewed the edge to one side, so I think a sharpening could fix it. Little bit of side-to-side wiggle that could probably be tuned out.
  • Body Condition: Snail trails everywhere, although the stonewashing on the titanium scales help to mask this. The coating on the clip has began to wear.
  • Modifications: The Maxamet blade has been DLC-coated by Way of Knife. All of the original screws and tubes were replaced with black titanium. Original scales were replaced with Flytanium Lotus scales. Rear spacing pins were replaced with a Metonboss zirconium backspacer. The original clip was replaced with a LynchNW deep-carry clip.

Demko AD20.5: SV 500 USD

  • Edge/Blade Condition: Has been used a couple of times on packages. The current Sharksfoot 3V blade was swapped out from another AD20.5; originally had a drop point blade.
  • Centering/lockup: Centering is slightly off to the clip side (note that this is set up for left-handed carry); see the video for how far over that is. Locks up totally solid.
  • Body Condition: Has been carried. There is a chip in the Timascus scale from where the original right-handed clip sat (see pictures, the defect has been circled in red).
  • Modifications: The original drop point blade, as mentioned, was swapped with another AD20.5 for its current Sharksfoot blade in the same 3V steel. The original right-handed clip was swapped out with a Lynch deep-carry clip with a honeycomb lasering; unforunately, I cannot locate the original clip. The original bearings were replaced with Skiffs.

Indiana Knives EDZ: SV 150 USD

  • Edge/Blade Condition: Never cut or used (absolutely new). Vanax steel.
  • Centering/lockup: Locks up solid, but could be tuned to be abslutely drop-shut; as it, requires a little bit of a wiggle to shut.
  • Body Condition: Never carried (safe queen). There is occasional button stick, but I find this to be relatively common with plunge locks.
  • Modifications: The body was anodized yellow, and the clip and backspacer anodized green.

Demko AD20I: SV 500 USD

  • Edge/Blade Condition: Never carried, never used.
  • Centering/lockup: Centering is slightly off to the show side; see the video for how far over that is. Locks up totally solid.
  • Body Condition: Never carried (safe queen)
  • Modifications: The original G10 scales were replaced with OG Goat titanium scales that were cerakoted red. I will include the original scales. The original bearings were replaced with Skiffs.

If you think my prices are unreasonable, shoot me an offer; I don't bite. No trades, please.