Chaves Customized 228 V2 - 100 @ $10

Chaves Customized 228 V2 - 100 @ $10

Total Price: $1000

Make and Model: Chaves Customized 228 V2

Price Justification: $1150


Escrow: Yes, for u/chtsoi

Description: Chaves 228 V2! This was modded by fanatic edge to have a classy black and bronze aesthetic. This thing is smooth like butter and drop shut, flies out like a rocket and is built like a tank. Only blem of note is the small mark in the coating on handle. Has been sharpened.

International shipping: No

RULES (borrowed from Jubakuba): Payment using friends and family at the usual service provider with NO COMMENTS IN THE COMMENT FIELD. Shipping within the continental United States included. Spots can be called or random. A random spot will be selected if your called spot is already taken unless you explicitly state otherwise. Each spot call must be made in a direct comment (not a comment reply) and must remain unedited. Payment will be due 30 minutes after I start a timer with a timestamped post. This post will come up shortly after the raffle closes. If you neglect payment in the allotted time your spot will be forfeited to the next person in line. Any "waitlist" calls will be set for ONE spot unless otherwise requested and directly specified.


PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Cash App Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy

Number of vacant slots: 0

Number of unpaid users: 0

Number of unpaid slots: 0

This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.

1 /u/eatpierogies PAID

2 /u/wjinak PAID

3 /u/MAH415 PAID

4 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

5 /u/sasebo123 PAID

6 /u/the_original_mr_wiz PAID

7 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

8 /u/sasebo123 PAID

9 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

10 /u/ilickvarts PAID

11 /u/eatpierogies PAID

12 /u/TurdMagnet PAID

13 /u/wjinak PAID

14 /u/sasebo123 PAID

15 /u/Mzt044 PAID

16 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

17 /u/wjinak PAID

18 /u/sasebo123 PAID

19 /u/sasebo123 PAID

20 /u/Heavy-Investigator45 PAID

21 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

22 /u/sasebo123 PAID

23 /u/sasebo123 PAID

24 /u/OrbitalGram PAID

25 /u/tehbehemoth PAID

26 /u/Heavy-Investigator45 PAID

27 /u/JonJonJelly PAID

28 /u/MAH415 PAID

29 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

30 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

31 /u/sasebo123 PAID

32 /u/eatpierogies PAID

33 /u/MAH415 PAID

34 /u/MAH415 PAID

35 /u/eatpierogies PAID

36 /u/sasebo123 PAID

37 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

38 /u/sasebo123 PAID

39 /u/Obvious_Traffic_2029 PAID

40 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

41 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

42 /u/eatpierogies PAID

43 /u/sasebo123 PAID

44 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

45 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

46 /u/wjinak PAID

47 /u/Gboogie3 PAID

48 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

49 /u/wjinak PAID

50 /u/sasebo123 PAID

51 /u/Glock45owner PAID

52 /u/Glock45owner PAID

53 /u/clikeness PAID

54 /u/sasebo123 PAID

55 /u/wjinak PAID

56 /u/eatpierogies PAID

57 /u/eatpierogies PAID

58 /u/sasebo123 PAID

59 /u/sasebo123 PAID

60 /u/sasebo123 PAID

61 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

62 /u/ItsJonnyRockALT PAID

63 /u/wjinak PAID

64 /u/Mzt044 PAID

65 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

66 /u/the_original_mr_wiz PAID

67 /u/SurpriseUnhappy2706 PAID

68 /u/clikeness PAID

69 /u/MAH415 PAID

70 /u/sasebo123 PAID

71 /u/clikeness PAID

72 /u/Obvious_Traffic_2029 PAID

73 /u/MAH415 PAID

74 /u/MAH415 PAID

75 /u/sasebo123 PAID

76 /u/sasebo123 PAID

77 /u/sasebo123 PAID

78 /u/Gboogie3 PAID

79 /u/sasebo123 PAID

80 /u/TurdMagnet PAID

81 /u/ViciousSnipe PAID

82 /u/ilickvarts PAID

83 /u/sasebo123 PAID

84 /u/sasebo123 PAID

85 /u/sasebo123 PAID

86 /u/danny41977 PAID

87 /u/ItsJonnyRockALT PAID

88 /u/sasebo123 PAID

89 /u/MAH415 PAID

90 /u/Hopeful-Fan6603 PAID

91 /u/sasebo123 PAID

92 /u/sasebo123 PAID

93 /u/sasebo123 PAID

94 /u/ItsJonnyRockALT PAID

95 /u/AwayRecommendations PAID

96 /u/the_original_mr_wiz PAID

97 /u/wjinak PAID

98 /u/OrbitalGram PAID

99 /u/wjinak PAID

100 /u/wjinak PAID
