PZ Study 9 (02/18/2021-03/04/2021)
“But u/Nihon_Hanguk, the previous PZ Study you posted was PZ Study 9!” That is correct. However, so few people (less than 10) responded to that one that I decided to scrap it. This cycle, Phantom Zone is also available to our Android members again, so we will have more participants, and therefore more data overall. Hopefully, we’ve seen the last of the iOS-exclusive Phantom Zone cycles. It’s good to have you all back.
Findings for PZ Study 6, PZ Study 7, and PZ Study 8 have all been included in the Updated Overall PZ Study Findings.
For those who are new, if you'd like to help with our PZ study, kindly comment your crystal difficulty (Trainee, Veteran, Elite, or mixed - and specify what mix.) and the corresponding reward you get after completing 5 crystals. If you get a reward from one individual crystal, make sure it is mentioned clearly so that it doesn’t get confused with the other reward you get for completing 5 crystals. If it’s an MP reward character or Arkham Knight Batman, also please specify if it was your first copy or if you already had one. No matter how good or bad you think your drop was, reporting it here provides valuable data. If you completed a combination of different crystals, please include the word “mix” somewhere, as it makes it easier to tabulate the findings.
Feel free to share any and all information regarding PZ rewards, like amount of Nth Metal and Valorium Alloy gained etc.
Thank you in advance.