Do we really need a gf/bf?

So do we really need a partner at this age?? Partner is needed for mainly 3 reasons- loneliness, support or lust but if I don't feel lonely ( haven't had human interaction for 1 month) don't need support( always did things on my own whether its study, talking, finding things to do or even crying) and lust- well u know-.. why to think so hard about getting a girl and be bound/restricted to one person and spend so much time on intereacting with one person when you can talk with with so many people and better utilise your time..

Personally I can't see the merit. Never really had a crush. Idk if its just my area but everyone i have met feels dumb or so much flawed that it makes them unattractive/ uninteresting. And no offense talking to someone in lovey dovey way feels very cringe. If i ever get a gf i would like to have an equal/ friendly/ frank relationship where we have similar interest.

(I swear i'm not coping 😐)