Hurricane messing with my eggs

Okay so I had my egg retrieval Monday I was told I got 33 eggs and I’d hear back from them the next day. Well I finally had to call them yesterday because I heard nothing back. The nurse gets in the phone and she’s a little snippy so I tried still being nice and using my customer service voice. She then tells me because of the hurricane my 19 eggs that fertilized will be frozen on day 3 instead of waiting the full 5/6 days and that then they will wait until after everything that has passed to then thaw to PGT-A test then refreeze and then thaw again when I pick the embryos. This seems very dangerous and like my embryos would get damaged being thawed 3 times. Has anyone had any experience with this? I am beyond upset and my husband said the best we could do is potentially request them put two due to the embryos being “at risk” but we’re worried our insurance wouldn’t cover a DFET. What would you guys recommend in this situation? We don’t even know the grading or the egg days because our eggs were frozen pretty much on day 2.