People around me treat me like I don't have feelings and I'm a robot
As intp , feelings just cringe me out and I don't like to talk about it but rather I see how I can help that feeling to vanish and solve my feelings and others in the background without drama and attention seeking , so yeah I have strong feelings I get upset when someone treat me bad and when I do something bad to someone I recognise it and say sorry with actual changes in my behaviour
But my problem here that people around me treat me like shit and they expect me to be cool about it , and not only that but some high fi fe users expect me to be the one who say sorry and it literally cringe me out like I tried to see the problem that wasn't even there and tried to improve my behaviours though I'm not even wrong and you still cry out everywhere and attention seek , and then people around me start seeing me as a cold hearted robot that hurts people when I'm literally the actual victim
I cry I feel sad I get frustrated but just because I'm not open with my feelings people like the ones who play victim I be the bad person and it hurts my fe inferior and fi demon gets mad like now
This post is to say we intp have feelings and sometimes it's stronger than everyone we just rather rational solutions, and sometimes we dont even know it exists "shoutout to my underdeveloped fe fi intp "
Also is there is any way to make people stop treating us like shit just because we won't make it a scene like other high fi users ?