Would you pull out in this situation?

I offered on a place because it appeared to have zero cladding issues. The agent also assured me on multiple times there wasn’t any cladding.

The survey came back and there appear to be cladding issues on the additional 3rd floor added after the original building was built.

No cladding was a dealbreaker so I said to the agent I wanted to pull out.

The agent is telling me the survey is wrong, the building definitely has no cladding and that the surveyor is just covering themselves.

It’s tricky because I do like the flat. But I don’t want to risk it.

I’ve read about EWS1 forms and they’re not to be trusted so zero cladding is all I’ll accept.

It seems like pulling out is the only safe bet but Is there a way to hold the agent/original owner liable if they’re wrong?