Trinity Force Hecarim is OP.
To start things off, here is my
Just wanted to share so more people can switch over to Tri-Force build instead of Youmuus.
People say KhaZik/ Rengar are hard counters but to me with this build they are really easy matchups.
I always ban kindred (because diving backline and them having invulnerability is insanely hard to deal with + her invades are crazy good) and have a hard time if I’m playing against Viego.
I see alot of people saying this build has no damage and I get confused because that is not the case. I can 3-4 shot the backline easily, and kill tanks with breeze, it’s really an insane build, especially after completing Grudge. noone can run from you.
I am rank 1 hecarim in my server, top 100 in world. and the thing is - I am an ADC main, I literally pocket picked him and abused him for easy LP.
Feel free to ask any questions.