I'm excited for the Intro Credits
So many of our conversations have been about castings, plot details, things we hope to include or expand on.
I realized that I'm also very excited for the Intro Credits. It's going to be our first glimpse at the tone of the show (after the trailers); we're going to get the theme song that's going to be associated so strongly to the franchise for the next 10 years or so. Every time we hear the new theme we're going to be excited for the next episode for years on end; and even beyond that, the song will be nostalgic to us.
We're likely going to get amazing graphics; we're already in something of a golden age for intro credits & their graphics, so this is almost guaranteed to be incredible. I'm hoping/expecting a new one for each season, and I'm imagining each one might even be nostalgically reminiscent of the covers in some way. Imagine something like Game of Thrones, or The Crown, Daredevil or Jessica Jones' (love the song) intros, but based on the American cover of Sorcerer's Stone, moving through the grounds and halls of Hogwarts with hints and teases of the characters and plot. Mystery, gravitas, whimsical tones, a little creepiness and intrigue.
I think they're going to be instantly classic nostalgia-inducing intro credits and I'm just suddenly hyped at the prospect. The thought of it already makes it feel that much more real.