The nudity makes this movie unwatchable

“Erm- she akshullay NEEDS to be nude to activate her PERFECT CAMOUFLAGE! (ignoring her thigh highs and belt around her leg which are still invisible) and- nudity is art! it makes this more mature, and artsy and you’re adverse to sex. I, with my high brow taste in cinema, didn’t even notice.” (only one body type drawn nude)

This is just garbage fan service. I’m not against nudity because I think nudity adds a lot when done well. This is so disrespectful to women, so genuinely bad and i’m disappointed since i’ve heard great things about it. There was several MINUTES of just straight nudity that adds absolutely nothing to the story. Nudity done well is great for storytelling, but CONSTANT nudity consequently makes it far more low-brow. I’ll get invested and immediately get taken right out of it again because it’s just so excessive. serious scene? Bam- unnecessary nude character.

Imagine this with a dude and his cock is flying around in the wind while fighting. Yeah, a little distracting and hard to take seriously.

inb4 “This has gotta be bait” Nope. Please go outside and touch grass if you genuinely think she HAS to be nude and that this is some insane take. in fact, go talk to, and watch this with another woman and convince them she had to be nude.