705+ aspirants - What is/was your (target) 705+ level questions accuracy?
99%ile aspirants/scorers - what is/was your 705-805 and 805+ level questions accuracy (from GMATclub) or Very Hard questions accuracy from test prep companies if you also did sessions of solely that difficulty?
Self-prep GMAT aspirant here, preparing from GMATClub primarily. I never had an extremely detailed, to-the-tee kind of study plan, but I progressively studied and reached here - I've scored 645 and 675 in offical mocks 1&2, 665-685 in couple free mocks from other sources.
Should I be very adamant to achieve a higher accruacy in 705+/very Hard category of questions? Presently I hover at ~65-75% accuracy, lower band in V and higher band in Q.
Experts of r/GMAT - Pls opine with your suggestions and recommendations too.