Crushing issues with Storm of Steel.

  1. In the "Valkist Cultural Revolution" decisions category, the promised decision costs and, most sorely, duration reductions from some of the decisions promised never take effect. In fact, they seem to reset when reloading a save it appears (when I looked, it had 48 days left.)

  2. Game crash the 10th of June, 24h as tag GER once it's time to "Crush the Kieler Government." 10 days left to the decision.

  3. Given the EXTREME debuffs thanks to low National Morale and Social Outlook variables the player will still have by 1939 (at least in my experience,) how is the player supposed to start Anschluss-ing places or fighting the breakaways by '38, and start the war by '39 (before the Entente AI has infinity equipment and 9/3's to crush you,) if by '39 the variable debuffs are still very strong?

While issue 3's "invincible AI 9/3's fueled by infinity equipment" is one I've had since... forever, making the mod impossible for me to win, the other 2 are the drops that spilled my glass.

While I could be reporting these on Discord, that place is really toxic and a massive energy and attention drain, so my hope is to note in this post in behalf of other non-Discord players who might have issues.