The subreddit is 100x better when…

So I’ve discovered the trick to enjoying this subreddit to the fullest (and most subreddits for that matter).

What’s your point being in this sub? For me it’s to theorize and talk about the show I like.

However there’s a lot of comments and posters that seem to only be here to hate on the show. I find that nothing they say holds any meaning to me.

People who hate the show claim we’ve had 0 answers (which we’ve had many answers), claim the show has no ending, that nothing will make sense, etc.

While others might be fine with these posts (and they’re more than fine posting them) I’ve found blocking them immediately has made my experience here 100x better. I now largely see posts about what I like and the few vocal toxic people are now gone from sight.

Overall, this is just PSA on getting the most out of your experiences. If you enjoy people posting like that - that’s great! Don’t block them. If you hate people posting things like I just did - block me.

You can help make your experience here as great (or bad) as you want!

With that said - people who despise the show and keep posting. You can block people who love/like the show too! That way you’ll see the content you like here (other people posting their dislike of the show).

I hope this helps someone. It’s been helping me a ton in my enjoyment here.