Fortnite has become infested with cheaters and most players don’t even know.
Now before I start, I’m a ZB player. I've been unreal every season in rank so far and mostly in the top 100 for most wins on the leaderboards every season since Chapter 4. I don't care about my stats and all that. I'm saying this to make people understand what kind of lobbies I play in. I never had any issues or encounters with cheaters before Chapter 4, Season 4. Since then, it's been growing rapidly fast to the point that I can’t even enjoy playing solos now, regardless rank or not. Every time I play normal solo lobbies, I see more and more cheaters. When I track their stats, literally, they have only played the game for 1 day or it’s hidden.
It’s either Macros, DMA, or Cronus. What’s most annoying about it is they get away with it because this issue hasn’t been talked about a lot, neither do people realize that they got killed by a cheater, nor do they get put into these lobbies. But I do, and it’s really killing my enjoyment of the game. Not only that, but if you actually do research about these cheating devices that are out there, you will realize how big of an issue this has become.
Now, cheaters today aren’t like back in the days where they just fly around the lobby. Today they try to hide it, and for the average player, it might seem normal. But for anyone who has actually done research about it and has a lot of experience in the game, it’s so easy to see. Snipers in this chapter have only made it worse because you can kill these cheaters, but now with snipers, they just one-shot the whole lobby.
I’m just so tired of it, needed to rant about it.