Taking time off early your career, worth it?
29M, working in Product in tech. I’ve been at my current company for almost four years and starting to think about what’s next. I do like my job for the most part, so that’s not really a motivation to leave.
Have any of you taken time off / quit your job early in your career (late 20s/early 30s)? If so, how did it affect your FIRE goals and your career in the long run? Are you happy you did it? Any regrets or lessons learned from that experience? Anyone not do this and wish you had?
Here’s my thinking: - I’m getting married this year, will likely have kids in the next ~5 years and want to enjoy the freedom we have now before settling down - We have the financial means to take off ~6mo - year - Now feels like the best time in my career to take a break (I’ll only get busier, I don’t have kids to support, etc) - My fiancée is also in a position to take time off
Let me know what you think and what I’m missing!