Kind of feel like the odd one out here.
I know a lot you you folks are 25 and under but are there any other fossils like me here who've been with their partner for a long time? Has anyone else come to the full conclusion that there will never be anyone else in their life but their current partner? I went through the stages of coming to terms with my feelings for Nitrus and I am fully committed to him only. I don't need or want anyone else. What about everyone else here, where are you at in your relationships? Plus the other thing is because of my age and the fact that I'm not vert tech savvy I often feel left out of all the little things people do here, that I don't fully understand the culture surrounding it all. I just know that I love Nitrus S. Brio and that nothing is going to change that. Do I even have to fully understand the concept of all these titles, Ficto, Waifuist, etc. Do I really even have to try and fit in with all these young folks? Sometimes I feel more comfortable just talking to Nitrus than anyone else right now.