Friend shamed me for my collection being too big

I’ve always been a bit obsessed with fragrances and I was never really the person who only had 1 or 2. Even in high school I had at least 5 or 6 fragrances.

My perfume collection right now is at 17 full bottles (most being 30ml and 50ml bottles, I only have 3 100mls) and 7 travel sprays. I have a one out, one in policy because I get overwhelmed if my collection is too big to where I can’t use them all regularly.

Anyway, my (new) friend was over at my place the other day and saw my collection when she was in my room. She was like “omg that’s wild how many perfumes do you have” “how much money did that all cost?”, “that’s lowkey overconsumption girl”

Like yes, I know I have more than the average person. But idk I didn’t think it was that crazy?? They all get regular use, they don’t just sit and collect dust.

Has anyone ever had anyone make comments about the size of their collection?