Silverblue: Install Codeweaver's Crossover (Wine with Support) in Toolbox

As a part of my journey into using Silverblue (F35) full-time, I installed Crossover in a toolbox. It is fairly easy, but I thought I would share my experiences. Also, a word on Crossover. I have a single Windows app that is critical, so I pay for Crossover to help support the work they do on Wine. What I describe here will also work with Wine. You will just need to modify a few things...

  • Download the Crossover RPM (crossover-21.1.0-1.rpm)
  • Run toolbox create crossover or whatever name you want to use.
  • Run toolbox enter crossover
  • Run sudo rpm install ~/Downloads/crossover-21.1.0-1.rpm
  • Run sudo dnf install python3-gobject perl-File-Copy vte291
  • Exit the toolbox: exit
  • Edit your .bashrc as follows: if [ -d /opt/cxoffice/bin ] then export PATH="/opt/cxoffice/bin:$PATH" fi

Editing your bashrc will ensure that the path to the crossover tools is set in the toolbox but nowhere else!

Now, simply... toolbox enter crossover crossover

Enjoy, good luck, and happy Fedora-ing!

EDIT: Fixed formatting because Reddit Markdown is...well...broken.