[GIVEAWAY] $100 Value Product! Unlimited Winners, Everybody Could Win! Fashion319!
Hey guys! Fashion319 has decided to make a unique giveaway from us.
See below.
Prizes: Whoever comment's Sequence Number matches with the Lucky Number will win a $100 gift 🔥🔥🔥
How to participate:
1.Select an item priced under $100 on the website https://www.fashion319top.com, and then comment the link of the item to register. Each account can participate once, if you participate more than once, only the first entry will be considered.
2.Registration deadline: August 24th at 20:00 EST.
How to Win:
- August 26th at 00:00 EST. The last two digits of the number of likes on the post will be our lucky number.
2.Click this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eBW\_32ThU1672y\_B0qSjFxqR5qgwXLc-N6W8Fe3ZKjI/edit?usp=sharing to view your own lucky number, if the last two digits of your lucky number match our lucky number, you win.
Fashion319 wishes everyone: happiness and good luck!
Deadline for upvoting this post to generate the Lucky Number: 10:00 PM EST on August 24th.
Fashion319 wishes everyone happiness and good luck!