I just finished a match with 1x1x1x1, and WTF IF GOING ON. HOW COME WHEN I PLAY SURVIVOR THEY HIT ME SO MUCH WHEN I JUKE, BUT WHEN SOME MOTHER F.ER NAMED ELLIOT, BUILDERMAN OR GOD FORBID TWO TIME DOES IT, NO MATTER HOW BAD THEIR JUKING IS, THEY ALWAYS PASS ME. How come other killers can hit a god damn electron with perfect precision yet I couldn’t hit a blue whale in front of me. Does anybody else have this issue? I’m literally doing the exact same juking as other however it ALWAYS leads to me getting hit, but when somebody else jukes against me, i’d have a better chance of a flying donkey to spawn right next to me than to juke just ONCE. And I’ve learnt tactics for juking, I know to attack a little before they juke, and many more but it STILL doesn’t work.