Should I consider switching barns?

Hello everyone, I'm a beginner rider/equestrian with only 9 months of experience, sadly, and I'm currently taking lessons at two barns. However, I don't know if I'm being dramatic but I just don't really like either barn, but maybe they're just normal barns and I just have to see that.
So anyway, I started out at this one barn which was really nice at first, but then they started cancelling like once every other lesson, one time 3 weeks in a row. I know this isn't their fault and that what reasons they had to cancel were valid, but it happens pretty often. I just had a lesson there yesterday and now is when I'm considering possibly cutting ties. We weren't riding because it was too cold out, and so just had a lesson on horse care in the barn. This would've been fine if it didn't feel like I was just standing around watching my instructor do things while explaining (which I, admittedly, zoned out for). She was also teaching me to groom, and was tweaking EVERYTHING. The way I stood, the order in which I groomed the horse, not as in brushes but I HAD to groom everything in front of the withers first, and so much more. It didn't make much sense to me because why would grooming have to be this robotic, the goal was to get the horse clean right? Apparently it was for efficiency, but I actually like grooming so why would I want to hurry through with it? This would be fine if it was just for grooming but my instructor is like this with a lot of other things. And, I quite honestly don't think I'll ever progress here. My mom, a nurse at a nursing home, says that the old woman who runs the program and teaches me might have dementia so she could forget where I am in my riding. Plus, the horses are old and there are only two lesson horses so she'll obviously want to preserve them. My biggest goal at the moment is to canter and I don't think that will be happening in this barn with these conditions.
After the whole cancelling lessons thing with my first barn I started going to a new barn. It's a nice barn, nothing wrong with the instruction but I just don't really like how robotic it is. I want to be a part of a community in a barn, and here it feels like they don't really care too much about you unless you're a good rider/showing, and that I'm just another lesson kid to them. The thing is, I don't know how to start showing or doing the fun stuff. I feel like I'm just going to be stuck as a lesson kid forever, which I absolutely hate the idea of. This might go away with time as I've only been here for about 2 or 3 months, now that I'm thinking about it is not a long time, but I just really want to feel like I belong in the horse community. I'm not saying that I'm a master at horse care, but they make me feel incompetent with how they have to jump in whenever I'm struggling with a blanket buckle instead of just watching or, if I am doing something wrong, telling me how to do it right.

This kind of turned into a rant but please tell me if I'm being dramatic and just have to wait to be more integrated into my barn community before doing anything like leaving this barn. If you did stick around here until the end, thank you!