I interviewed for this company as a Software Engineer when I was 13 and got rejected, and now I made $3.5k off of my own SaaS at 15
Hey everyone! I applied for this software engineering job at this one company and they were hiring interns and I thought I would apply. The position was unpaid, so I thought that I would get some experience and get ahead of the competition early as I was only 13 at the time. They reached back to me after looking at my skills on my GitHub and I scheduled an interview time.
At the time, I was pretty skilled at coding, I knew numerous frontend and backend stacks and made a ton of web applications for projects, like the MERN stack and I also knew how to code in Java with Java Spring Boot and React.js for the frontend as well.
Here are all of the coding skills I knew related at the time:
- Python (a lot of random libraries and some web scraping tools like Selenium and Beautiful Soup)
- Javascript, HTML, CSS
- MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node)
- Also knew Java and Java Spring Boot to make full stack apps
The company itself basically handles and schedules hair salon appointments and connects you with barbers, and a dashboard for hair stylists and hair salon owners etc, I'm not too sure what else they did.
Anyway, when it was time for the interview (it was at 6 am before I had to go to school and I was in 8th grade at the time), they asked me questions and the interviewer was very surprised that I knew so much and that I could code as well as some of the other applicants. But....he cut off the interview after 5 minutes and he was asking me generic questions like what school I went to and what my favourite subject was....so I knew that I basically had no shot.
After a few days after the interview, my parents were proud and thought I had secured it, but I knew that I wasn't getting in. Well, surprise surprise I got rejected and I wanted to know why. They...didn't even contact me back. Probably because I was too young or they were coding with a stack I didn't know at the time.
I also didn't know how to make an actual SaaS or any other type of application except for, well a inventory manager. That's about it.
I was pretty pissed I didn't get in, because I worked this hard and faced failure on something I couldn't control, so the motivation was through the roof. I kept on coding and learnt new stacks, and gained a lot of experience.
I then started coding my first few projects, 8 of them in fact, for around 2 years. All of them failed. Not a single dollar was made. I honestly was going to quit coding after doing it for so long, spending hours everyday and not focusing on school work, but finally. I had one more shot, and I made my first paid SaaS application called BigIdeasDB which was made around 2 months ago and got me 3.5k dollars to this date.
I am pretty happy on where I am and I am grinding more than ever, marketing and improving my SaaS from the community's feedback.
There is still a lot to improve on and so much more to be done, and I hope that the new year is even better for my coding journey and I make even more money!
Got rejected from an unpaid internship, and built my own SaaS making me $3.5k.