Help With Dual Wield Tricky Boi Build
I love me some dexy bois. I always gravitate to dex builds in most games, and the rogue class is my go-to for D&D. Dancing around the battlefield while everyone struggles to catch you is my preferred style of play, it gives me satisfaction. I don't need a shield, I need another stabbing tool in my offhand. Why pretend to be a turtle when I can pretend to be a tiger?
With that being said, my first foray into Elden Ring was a bit botched, like most people's. However, I feel my love for speed and combo attacks got severely punished by things as early as the first giant on the way to Marge. After joining a friend she noticed I was absolutely incapable of taking a single hit from anything, despite being the same level as her. Now, she is a minmaxing munchkin and proud of it, but the distance of durability and dage output was staggering, to put it mildly.
If I had attempted Margit by myself I am confident I could have gotten lucky enough to dodge roll my way to victory... after battling for a couple hours on a single run. Each slash of my weapon was taking maybe... 1/4,000 of his health. My patience was not great enough to endure that. When my friend joined, she starting chipping away at 10 times the rate I was. So instead of 4,000 hits to defeat him it was 400. Still not great, but it wouldn't take us all day. Remember, we were the same level.
Even the low level enemies around the keep were taking me 5-10 hits after backstab to kill. Something was obviously very wrong with my early build. My friend joked that I had switched the game to hard mode on my end as she watched me struggle to take out the guard captain at the foot of the fort. Sneak, backstab, and at least 12 more strikes and one flask due to a poorly timed dodge (I was lucky to not get one-shot by it) just to take out a single enemy that was a hundred times weaker than Margit.
Is a quick, dual welding, crit and backstabbing machine just not viable in Elden Ring? If not, I'll just build something else, but it will sadden me that my swashbuckling ne'er-do-well rogue isn't invited to the party. Sorry, I can't provide a stat spread as this was made a year ago. I wanted to get back into Elden Ring next year because I have been craving a punishing action RPG with great atmosphere. What are the suggested builds for a stereotypical double dagger'd rogue?