A helpful warning

Just a helpful tip one those doing dry January. Be fully prepared to see news articles pop up into your newsfeed from various media sites extolling the virtues of a 'Damp January'. A damp January is one where you basically don't get pissed but still drink moderately (funny how they never can define what that is). Make no mistake 'Damp January' is a term invented by the alcohol industry because they actually feel threatened by the drop in revenue during the month of January as Dry January gains significant traction. There is no virtue in a 'Damp January'. Its brainwashing to trick you into thinking 'well if I just cut back a little bit I'll still be healthy and work off December's excess'. I even saw one article recently saying its more dangerous to actually stop drinking. Unless you are completely dependent on alcohol every day thats a frankly ludicrous statement to make. My advice to anyone reading these articles is to simply ignore them as they are complete tosh.

Best of luck out there.