Comfort Draven build
A new build I’ve been running and (been loving it!)
(Runes) Lethal setup: Lethal -> Triumph -> Alacrity/Bloodline -> Cut Down / Last Stand Absolute Focus + Gathering Storm
HoB setup: HoB -> Taste of blood -> Eyeball -> Bounty Absolute Focus + Gathering Storm
(CORE) Hubris -> Essence Reaver -> Grudge
into +2 situationals! - want lifesteal? BT - too many tanks? Kraken - too much AP? Maw
Perks: - really strong early spike - early armor pen vs tanks (grudge 3rd) - never worry about mana (ER) - can go triumph (20g per takedown, end of game might even give same gold as bounty) - insane damage stacking /w sorcery secondary, lets you scale into mid-game well even if you get fucked early, with your 3 item spike + about 30 free ad at 20mins
Cons: - cannot go LDR (LDR is always superior to grudge, and will even be stronger after buff) at 3 items, you have about 31 lethality + 25% armor pen) compared to LDR’s soon to be new flat 35% pen + its passive is really good vs tanks and crit is good too on draven.
but honestly you can just swap it out for LDR, I might even go lucidity boots just to get perma axes (I’ll try and update)
Other than this LDR/Grudge 3rd problem, that’s the main gist to it. but after experimenting with lots of build, this is my absolute favourite
Perma-axes to me is super valuable ig, every fight you start with 2 axes = you get more Ws, move around. you can camp in bush with 2 axes and catch people off guard and many more.
also I take TP on draven, seems like shit but I find alot of success with it in solo-q, or cleanse if enemy has like ashe + sona or some double cc bs.
I like TP because it has insane gold-value, and may even save, break games due to enemy forgetting you have TP.
got ganked lvl 2? enemy fist fighted, are both low and wave’s pushing to you? tp back and freeze it, they stay? kill them. they back? they lose 1-2 full waves of xp+gold, which equalizes the gank.
if wave pushing to them and they freeze and back? instant tp +crash wave under tower / dive if they stay.
^ some of the reasons I prefer TP also lots of time I just TP to help teammates, with perma double axes, I get 3-4kills with TP catching them off guard!
that’s all! only improvement to the build I can think of is swapping grudge for LDR, other than that, it will the build I keep running until there are additional changes!