Am I stupid? (Navigating Emprise Du Lion)
I'm nearing the end of DA:I and am just going thriand finishing side & inner circle missions. I'm up to clearing Emprise Du Lion but cannot figure out how I'm supposed to access the higher areas (the picture of the map is all I can reach) so I'm stuck. I did some Googling but can't find anything that makes sense to me. So, where do I go to get to the rest of the area? Please.
I'm nearing the end of DA:I and am just going thriand finishing side & inner circle missions. I'm up to clearing Emprise Du Lion but cannot figure out how I'm supposed to access the higher areas (the picture of the map is all I can reach) so I'm stuck. I did some Googling but can't find anything that makes sense to me. So, where do I go to get to the rest of the area? Please.