There’s a player at our table that has “Main Character Syndrome”

As a backstory, a bunch of our college friends got together to try out DND for the first time last year. We wanted a year long campaign to flesh out each characters story as there was 6 of us at the table.

About halfway through the campaign, an acquaintance of a friend was invited and he immediately jumped into a fight with the ‘bbeg’ that we had been building up to for our past two sessions.

Before the session started we laid out the rules and objectives and he caught on fairly quickly…though we came to realize over the course of the next few games that he had obviously optimized his character to be a “main protagonist” of sorts.

He would always take 5 minute turns deciding what would deal the most damage and keep him from taking any damage. For more context, he was playing a rogue.

If he rolled low on an attack, he would immediately go “i missed intentionally so I can deceive the enemy.” “I roll athletics to flourish my blade into a backhand attack, catching them off guard.”

The Dm would obviously shut it down, but he persisted.

If he got caught in the radius of a fireball, he would go “I would obviously see it coming and roll out of the way.” “I use my reaction to roll athletics to dodge.”

He kept wanting to utilize “style points” and his high athletics and performance scores to always try and last hit sneak attack the bbegs so that he would always get the final blow ‘a la anime style’ where he would do a double backflip into piercing the heart of the enemy.

Obviously this doesn’t affect me in any way, but I’m starting to get annoyed that he’s trying to steal the glory from everyone else at the table, just because his character has “main character energy.”

Should I talk to the Dm to get him to tone it down, or would that ruin his character identity?