What i think happaned to Spencer in the past and why i believe it may is what happened. (Image is related)

Ok so we know Spencer had a ex boyfriend in casting call lines what are now canon he mentions how his ex broke his hearth. Here the theory. Spencers ex most likely was strong like Diego why i say is cause Spencer sometimes looked afraid and as shown in this image he looks very scared. Spencer prob had a abusive boyfriend who he taugth was the best guy in the world but acted abusive to him. Maybe atp his ex had enough use off Spencer and betrayed his trust. It can explain why Spencers in the casting lines says i wish i could undertand love like formulas. Abuse is something that happens irl a lot and gay couples have that lately too. Before u say nahh thats way too dark. Onc shlwed us some backstories that were dark like Tom/Marcus and Jensen. But it explains why Spencer always looked sometimes scared or intimidated by Diego. Because his ex was around his physique prob.

Ok so we know Spencer had a ex boyfriend in casting call lines what are now canon he mentions how his ex broke his hearth. Here the theory. Spencers ex most likely was strong like Diego why i say is cause Spencer sometimes looked afraid and as shown in this image he looks very scared. Spencer prob had a abusive boyfriend who he taugth was the best guy in the world but acted abusive to him. Maybe atp his ex had enough use off Spencer and betrayed his trust. It can explain why Spencers in the casting lines says i wish i could undertand love like formulas. Abuse is something that happens irl a lot and gay couples have that lately too. Before u say nahh thats way too dark. Onc shlwed us some backstories that were dark like Tom/Marcus and Jensen. But it explains why Spencer always looked sometimes scared or intimidated by Diego. Because his ex was around his physique prob.