What’s with all the Eramis hate?
So ever since Episode: Revenant’s story was completed I’ve been confused with the ride in hatred for Eramis’s character. I’ve seen so many posts and videos talking about how they don’t like her this season and I’ve been confused about this thought process. I’ve loved her character since Beyond Light and I feel like her lore is incredible in the various lore books you collect involving her. So seeing the hate directed toward her cause she “doesn’t deserve redemption” or that her turning good “came out of nowhere” I’d just consider false.
There have been several minor hints that she’s not a complete villain and has helped characters like Eido and Mithrax in past seasons. And especially in lore books, it mentions that she’s sad with her current situation and just wishes to reunite with Athrys. While I do agree they could have handled the execution a bit better I’m glad with the outcome of the season. But seeing all the hate toward a character I love and thought people liked makes me sad so I just wanted to ask why a lot of people think this way toward her.