Do I need a derm research year?

Current M3 at a mid/low tier MD school with no home derm program interested in dermatology. I have 6 peer-reviewed publications (first author), 3 completed projects submitted, and 7 ongoing projects which will be submitted in the next 6 months. 5 poster presentations. 4 years of clinical experience as an MA & 3 years working as a med interpreter during college. On the board of the derm interest group at my med school for the past 3 years. Volunteer at a free derm clinic a few times a semester and have been involved in fundraising events for the National Psoriasis Foundation and Melanoma Research Foundation for the past 2 years. My Step 1 is P/F and I passed, have not yet taken Step 2 but assuming I will do well. My school does not do class rank. I am not AOA.

I am not sure if I need a research year...I have publications but I would like to match at a residency program in California or New York. I don't have any ties to these places other than going to university in CA which is not a strong enough tie. Is the research year worth it to help open up more options for residencies since I'm coming from a mid/low tier school?