Use to MAKE CALLS to Hickenlooper and Bennet. As many as you can.

Use and MAKE CALLS to Hickenlooper and Bennett. Everyday if you can. does all the work for you (but make the call). There’s scripts provided for specific topics that are updated based on the latest big moves by Trump and his team.

All you have to do is put in your zip code and it tells you who to contact with the numbers to their DC and CO offices.

I finally got in contact with Hickenloopers DC office and I spoke MY MINDDD. It was very cathartic. Yeah you’ll likely get a scripted response, but it felt good. And it DOES SOMETHING.

These people work for US. WE voted them in. You may not think you can change their minds, but if enough people speak up and share they’re disappointed - they rely on our votes come reelection, change can happen.

Leave a voicemail with you address to it can get properly filed.

It’s time for action.

Also these f**kers are voting against their own party. Bennet voter “yes” on 6 of Trumps cabinet members, hickenlooper voted “yes” on 7.