A teenage romance. That time my daughter fell in love with a landless adventurer's son.

So I (47M, Shahanshah and Saoshyant of the Persian Empire), was travelling through my realm when suddenly my 17 y.o. daughter fell pregnant during the trip. What do you know, the father is her Soulmate, an 18 y.o. dashing young man - a son of a Lady Mercenary captain, good prowess.

Naturally, like any good father and man of good words, good deeds and good thoughts, I wanted to marry the two.

Problem: the lad is a Muslim and his mother won't let him marry outside the community.

So what do I do? How can I turn that Lady Mercenary into a good Mazdayan?

I declare war on the Abbasid Caliph, chip away some more land from him and conquer a brand new duchy somewhere in Arabia. Which I immediately offer Lady Mercenary to settle as her personal domain. Yay! Now she is my vassal. I ask her to convert to Zoroastrism immediately, which she does gladly.

New problem: immediately after her getting landed, her son is married to some oversized hussy of minor nobility, while my daughter -- his soulmate! -- is already pregnant with their second child.

I arrest that other girl. Now she's in my dungeon. Should I execute her or let her to rot? But that's inhumane, she's done nothing wrong. I just need her do stop being married to my daughter's one true love.

So I do what any good father would do: I dismiss one of my concubines and take that hussy in her stead! My future son-in-law is a free man again. Nothing stands in the way of true love anymore. The two have a discrete but very romantic ceremony in a corner of the royal gardens in Isfahan.

Shortly afterwards, his mother croaks and he is a duke while his heirs carry my name.

ETA: I dismissed my ne concubine shortly after and sent her on her marry way.