The thing about CKs and skins in general.
I'm gonna start off by saying this:
CKs are a really cool thing to have. But the one thing I've been seeing is a sort of "favoratism" towards some cabs.
The issue:
I'm not saying that I know the full picture, by the wasteland, no. But from what I know, the humpback currently has the most CKs (Hope I'm not wrong), one from the Polymorph Pack (Inner Demon) and one Firestarter Themed (Frankenstein).
Then we have cabs like Howl, Call, Favourite or Savior, who could really do with a cool CK (especially the Savior, it's the most hated Epic cab in the game, give it some love).
The controversial side:
And on the other side, we have some CKs for weapons that are just straight up paint slapped onto them and calling it a day.
I'm not at all implying that we need more CKs for the ones that already have them, but giving other cabs some love.
Maybe give some other Cabs the Syndicate Treatment (Like they did with harpy).
The Exception:
And yes, I know that the Jawbreaker has a Ravager CK, but that one changes the Hitbox way too much and would give you a straight disadvantage, on top of being in Adventure mode only, so it doesn't count.
(Addendum) I'm currently trying to come up with some CKs as you guys are reading this, so don't expect the quickest reply time ever, but I'll try.