Breath is Annoying (Minor, minor Cosmere spoilers.)

So I was just reading through some Coppermind entries on Nalthis, (I haven't read Warbreaker in a minute.) and I found myself getting really annoyed at how the Returned work. (And Cognitive Shadows in general, I guess.)

I remembered that they need to be given Breaths once a week to survive, but then I was thinking about how inefficient that must be. Mainly fixating on how there must be a better way to go about that. (On-world or otherwise.)

Then, I remembered about how in Sunlit man they're casually slinging around thousands of BEUs (Breath equivalent units) of Investiture. This made me even more annoyed, as it made me realize how small the amounts of Investiture they have on Nalthis are.

Basically, I'm needlessly ticked off about a mechanic in a book series and I would like someone to please give me some sort of fix for the 'needing breath or we die' problem the Returned have. Not sure why it's bothering me so much, but some theories would be super great right about now.