How would the Fifth Heightening affect storing health in a gold mind?

How would the Fifth Heightening affect storing health in a goldmind?

There’s an interesting aspect of Feruchemy where the quantity of a stored trait is relative to how much you had to begin with. Someone who could bench press 315 lbs storing 50% of their strength would be storing a greater raw quantity than someone who never exercised in their life. Similarly, I assume someone who eats healthy, gets good sleep, exercises regularly would be able to store health in a goldmind faster than someone who never did any of these things. My question then is how the perfect health bestowed by the Fifth Heightening would affect your ability to store health.

Description from the Coppermind: “The Fifth Heightening grants Agelessness; an Awakener's resistance to aging and disease reaches its maximum strength. These persons are immune to most toxins (including the effects of alcohol) and most physical ailments (such as headaches, diseases, and organ failure). The person no longer ages and becomes functionally immortal.”

Since these abilities are granted by investiture, could you actually store the health you gain from it or would you just end up storing the Breaths themselves? Another note is that Gold healing explicitly cannot cure the aging process, so would the Agelessness of the Fifth Heightening have an impact on storing health?