cmv: NATO was the aggressor in the Russian-Ukrainian invasion
First of all, let’s start with Crimea. NATO claims that it was a violation of international law and is morally dubious. The fact of the matter is Crimean people already considered themselves Russian. They spoke primarily Russian and they were neglected by the nationalist Yanukovych. NATO condemned the annexation and imposed harsh sanctions on the Russian people. The economic consequences from this were catastrophic. Despite this Russia vowed to treat them better than Ukraine ever could. 96% of people were in favor of the annexation. Crimea prospers to this day.
A similar situation arised many years later with the people of Donbas. Just like Crimea many people of Donbas. considered themselves to be Russian and we’re disillusioned with the fact that a silly comedian who took nothing seriously was leading a country of people into the ground. Ukraine was in ruins, and the people of Donbas were tired. However, Russia knew that even though the people of Donbas would welcome annexation, the silly comedian would not; and send thousands of his conscript slaves soldiers to die under the direction of NATO. I don’t think silly comedian wanted to hurt the people of Ukraine but at the end of the day he is a puppet for NATO. Whatever NATO says he does.
However, NATO took the offensive the day they started negotiations to have Ukraine be a NATO member. This was a purposeful and calculated effort to dismantle the Russian way of life. The thing with NATO is that they won’t stop with Ukraine. If they get Ukraine, they will try to get Belarus, Estonia, Latvia they will keep going until the entire western border is NATO controlled and then they will strike. It’s one thing to abuse, the members of your own country, but when you start to threaten Russia, you’ve gone too far. Putin took into consideration of what the Ukrainian people wanted and the NATO threats and did what anybody who cares about their country and Ukraine would do. And it’s a simple as that.
Silly comedian continues to send thousands of conscript slaves to die every day because he is too weak minded to disobey daddy NATO. This needs to stop.