CWL Performance Tracker
This is my spreadsheet used to track my clan's performance in Clan War League. It is based off this spreadsheet made by u/ZiuNto, modified for my own clan's use. The spreadsheet allows for easy decision making when deciding to give bonuses.
Here's a completed example of my clan's January 2025 performance, names anonymized (with F1 drivers)
We had 7 bonuses, so giving them to Verstappen ->Hamilton is easy to see and decide
What do each of the icons mean?
The shield and sword show the position of the player, and the position of the player they attacked
The star and % are self explanatory, the result of the attack.
The final measure, Δ - delta represents the difference in town hall
P is the score calculated
Putting it together -
This would mean, a player ranked #12 in our clan, attacked the #7 in the enemy clan, for a 3 star 100%, one town hall lower (e.g TH14 attacks TH13.)
Score Calculation - Base Score
The base score is calculated only with the stars and percentage
A 0 star -> score is simply %. So a 0 star 57% is a score of 0.57
A 1 star -> score is 1 + %. So a 1 star 78% is a score of 1.78
A 2 star -> score is 2 + (% - 50) / 50. This makes 75% be the halfway point between a 2 and 3 star, so a 2 star 75% ends as a score of 2.5
A 3 star -> score is simply 3. So a 3 star 100% is a score of 3
Score Calculation - Multipliers
The first multiplier is position difference. I have it currently set to a maximum of 25%, so our #15 attacking #1 gets +25% added to their attack. The % added/lost is dependent on position difference, so #3 attacking #5 is only a difference of 2, so a score penalty of -3.33% is applied.
A base score of 1.67 becomes 2.09 (+25%) if it was performed by our #15 attacking #1.
Or inversely, a base score of 3 becomes 2.73 (-8.33%) if it was performed by our #2 attacking #7.
The second multiplier is town hall difference. I have it currently set to +5% +15% and 3 town halls+ is 30% boost, while -10% -25% and 3 town halls- is -30% penalty
So a score of 2.5 becomes 2.875(+15%) if performed on a town hall 2 above (e.g TH11 attacks a TH13).
Inversely, a score of 3 becomes 2.25 if performed on a town hall 2 below (e.g TH16 attacking TH14)
In this situation, our clan's #11 has attacked the other clan's #10 for a 2 star 69%, one town hall below. How is the score calculated?
Base score for a 2 star -> 2 + (% - 50) / 50
=2 + (69 -50) /50
= 2.38
Multiplier for attacking up 1 -> (* 1/15 * 25%)
=2.38 * (1/14 * 25%)
= 2.423
Multiplier for attacking a town hall below -> *0.9
=2.423 *0.9
= 2.18
These scores are then averaged out and placed into the leaderboard at the bottom.
If you would like to use this spreadsheet it's here -
It includes an example page and a template that you can duplicate for each month.
Make a copy under File -> Make a Copy and you will be able to edit your copy for your clan
IF you have any questions or want me to explain how to change the TH modifiers/position modifiers, leave a comment below and I'll expand on it