How is God okay sending innocent people to hell?

I’m trying to believe and want to believe but I can’t make myself believe in a God that would send innocent people to hell to be tortured for all eternity. A great analogy that really made me think was said during a debate between a christian and atheist. He ask if the other guy loved his wife, they guy obviously said yes. Then he asked if there was anything his wife would could do that would make him want her to be tortured for eternity, the guy of course said no. The atheist then asked if god loved all of us so much unconditionally, then how can he send innocent people to hell. This really stuck with me and I can’t seem to comprehend why god would do that. I get we have a choice to believe and that’s why, but even then if he loved us so much, and if he’s all knowing, he would definitely know where we are going to end up before anything. And still to be okay with sending innocent people to hell just boggles me. I want to believe, I don’t think life came from nothing and something had to create it but how can I accept a God that says he loves but at the same time through a people in hell just for simply not believing.