Tier Lists are kind of wack.
Idk if this is a hot take, but I honestly think that tier lists aren’t very accurate to the game. Not hating on Kairos or Spen or anyone who makes tier lists, but everytime they make tierlists, they says that d and f tier brawlers are basically unplayable, when this is nowhere near the truth. I’m not a good player or anything, and I was able to play Bonnie pretty effectively and get a lot of wins, despite her being an f tier brawler. Doug can also be a complete menace on bushy maps, Janet is extremely underrated (and I’m not even referring to her hypercharge), Mr P is a great knockout brawler, Grom can also be an absolute menace if no one is running assassins, and so on. I know these tier lists are talking about these brawlers in a general situation, but even then, I still think a decent player can hold their own with them. D and F tier brawlers aren’t the best, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to say that they’re downright unplayable. I feel like “least playable” is more accurate to these brawlers’ actual situation.