Thoughts on Beatrice Horseman despising religion?

Now this isn’t a topic that is brought up a lot in the show, but I do find it fascinating that Beatrice Horseman seems to despise any religion. The biggest indicator of this is in ‘The View From Halfway Down’ when she repeatedly asks Herb and others at the dinner table to quit discussing anything to do with religion. Another indicator (though somewhat of a stretch) is in ‘Free Churro’, Bojack says that he hasn’t received any gifts from Beatrice, so it’s doubtful she celebrated Christmas or other major religious holidays that typically involved gift giving.

This just seems odd as she was from a wealthy American family that grew up in the 50s and 60s and, from what I can tell from that time period and social standing, is that her family would’ve probably been a “casual” Christian at least (when I say casual, I mean probably celebrate Christmas at least). So any thoughts on her not liking any religion?

I know religion is a sensitive subject and it’s NOT my intention to be insensitive about any religion, I’m just genuinely curious!!!